Joni Puljujärvi, Ph.D.
About Me
Welcome, weary traveler!
I am Joni Puljujärvi, a scholar of the arcane art of mathematics. My research area is mathematical logic. I obtained my PhD from the University of Helsinki in 2024, under the supervision of Åsa Hirvonen and Jouko Väänänen, and am currently working as a research fellow in the Programming Principles, Logic, and Verification Group of University College London, in a research project of Samson Abramsky.
In addition to mathematics, I am interested in theoretical computer science, theoretical physics, and philosophy—in particular, philosophy and foundations of mathematics.
In my free time, I compose music (mainly for my own amusement but sometimes also for various artistic projects of my associates), and write fiction (mainly in my native tongue, Finnish).
Contact Information
- Email: joni . puljujarvi @ ucl .
- ORCID: 0000-0001-5017-9211
Department of Computer Science,
University College London66–72 Gower Street
United Kingdom
Research interests
- Strong and non-classical logics
- Application of games in logic
- Model theory of metric structures
- Application of logic in studying phenomena of quantum physics (in particular, quantum computation)
- Model theory of dependence logic and other fragments of second-order logic
Joni Puljujärvi
Model Theory of Some Extensions of First-Order Logic
Dissertationes Universitatis Helsingiensis, 277/2024, University of Helsinki
Joni Puljujärvi & Davide Emilio Quadrellaro
Compactness in Team Semantics
Mathematical Logic Quarterly, Volume 70, Issue 2 (2024) -
Åsa Hirvonen & Joni Puljujärvi
Games and Scott sentences for positive distances between metric structures
Annals of Pure and Applied Logic, Volume 173, Issue 7 (2022)
Samson Abramsky, Joni Puljujärvi & Jouko Väänänen
Team Semantics and Independence Notions in Quantum Physics
arXiv:2107.10817 (January 2025) -
Tapani Hyttinen, Joni Puljujärvi & Davide Emilio Quadrellaro
On Model Theory of Second-Order Objects
arXiv:2405.03785 (May 2024) -
Åsa Hirvonen & Joni Puljujärvi
Ehrenfeucht-Fraïssé Games for Continuous First-Order Logic
arXiv:2402.16662 (April 2024)
- Finite Ehrenfeucht–Fraïssé games of continuous logic, Logic Colloquium 2023, 5 – 9 June 2023, Milan, Italy
- Team semantics and independence notions in quantum physics, Resources in Computation – project meeting (2022), 21 – 23 September 2022, London, UK
- Games and Scott sentences for positive distances between metric structures, Logic Colloquium 2022, 27 June – 1 July 2022, Reykjavik, Iceland
- Independence Logic and Quantum Physics, Arctic Set Theory Workshop 2022, 15 – 20 February 2022, Kilpisjärvi, Finland
- Independence Logic and Quantum Physics, Matematiikan päivät 2022, 4 – 5 January 2022, Tampere, Finland (online)
- Team semantics and independence notions in quantum physics, Workshop on Logics of Dependence and Independence, 10 August 2021, ESSLLI 2021 (online)
Teaching experience
Teacher at University of Helsinki
- Academic Skills (MAT20005, 2 cr), 2020–2021 & 2021–2022
Teaching Assistant at University of Helsinki
Bachelor's Programme in Mathematical Sciences:- Introduction to Logic I (MAT21014, 5 cr), spring 2016, fall 2018, fall 2022 and fall 2023
- Introduction to Logic II (MAT21015, 5 cr), spring 2016 and fall 2018
- Algebraic structures I & II (MAT21010 & MAT21011, 5 cr + 5 cr), spring 2018
- Linear algebra and matrices I (MAT11002, 5 cr), fall 2016 and fall 2017
- Linear algebra and matrices II (MAT21001, 5 cr), fall 2016, fall 2017 and spring 2023
- Measure and Integral (MAT21007, 5 cr), spring 2017
- Proseminar of mathematics (MAT21004, 2 cr), spring 2024
- Mathematical logic (MAST31201, 10 cr), spring 2020
Curriculum Vitae
download joni_puljujarvi__curriculum_vitae.pdfFrequently Asked Questions
How do I pronounce your name?
Spelled with IPA: [ˈjo̞ni] [ˈpuljuˌjærʋi]
Approximate for English natives: YOH-nee PULL-you-yar-we
Click this to hear audio: play_circle -
Are you related to that ice hockey guy, Jesse Puljujärvi?
- I guess what you want to know is that he is my fourth cousin.