Joni Puljujärvi, Ph.D.

About Me

Welcome, weary traveler!

I am Joni Puljujärvi, a scholar of the arcane art of mathematics. My research area is mathematical logic. I obtained my PhD from the University of Helsinki in 2024, under the supervision of Åsa Hirvonen and Jouko Väänänen, and am currently working as a research fellow in the Programming Principles, Logic, and Verification Group of University College London, in a research project of Samson Abramsky.

In addition to mathematics, I am interested in theoretical computer science, theoretical physics, and philosophy—in particular, philosophy and foundations of mathematics.

In my free time, I compose music (mainly for my own amusement but sometimes also for various artistic projects of my associates), and write fiction (mainly in my native tongue, Finnish).

Contact Information

Research interests






Teaching experience

Teacher at University of Helsinki

Teaching Assistant at University of Helsinki

Bachelor's Programme in Mathematical Sciences: Master's Programme in Mathematics and Statistics:

Curriculum Vitae

download joni_puljujarvi__curriculum_vitae.pdf

Frequently Asked Questions

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